How to have a dynamic opening to your presentation

You compete for your audience’s attention. Every 5 to 15 seconds, they decide if you are more interesting or if what’s happening on their phone or computer is more attractive. Don’t lose the battle! Here’s how to have a dynamic opening to your...

The Language of the First Debate

What is really behind the candidates’ statements in the first US Presidential debate of 2016? While analyses have been made about who won, who fell into the other’s trap etc., I was curious about who was using which Motivation Triggers™ and how effective they...
How to Avoid Giving Up!

How to Avoid Giving Up!

4 Antidotes to letting yourself and others down! Have you ever noticed that some people keep on succeeding,while others have great ideas but nothing happens with them in the end?Do you know people who SAY they will do something and then put it off repeatedly? Do YOU...

A great book for women!

Last year while participating in a new mastermind group, I met Dr. Mache Seibel. Formerly head of women’s health at Harvard, and editor of My Menopause Magazine, which won a 2013 Web Health Award. And he is a musician, (he writes musicals and even hilarious rap...