Need Training for Your Organization?
By Shelle Rose Charvet

Martin Eldon
Trainer/Facilitator, UK
Tim Hunter
VP Quality, The Woodbridge Group, Mississauga, Canada
Dr. Jean-Luc Monsempès
Institut Repère, Paris
Pascale Goy
Head, Learning and Development Group, CERN, Geneva
Jane Murray
New Brunswick Power
John Cliff
Communication Consultant
Shelle offers
live online and in-person
training programs
to help organizations improve your people’s influencing skills.
Customized to
your needs, of course!

Customized Training Programs:
Words That Change Minds
Live Online or In-Person, with Shelle
The ability to understand and persuade others
is no longer optional.
And it’s harder than ever.
Whoever thought this was a soft skill?
“A giant thank-you Shelle for a fantastic program.
The feedback has been excellent. I’ve already received
emails and calls from the team explaining
how they’ve used the material which is
probably the best feedback we could get!”
– Steve McGrath, National Vice President, Dynamic Funds

In this program, Shelle will show you how to:
- How to open other people’s mental and psychological “open doors”, by picking up their Motivation Triggers from their conversations, texts, emails
- Use the Influencing Language to inspire and engage them
- Identify and attract many more of your ideal clients by understanding their below conscious Motivation Triggers™
- Know the power of certain words and phrases, and with whom they work
- Predict people’s behavior from the language they use
- Recruit better and quicker
- Understand how situations affect people’s motivation and behavior
- Make powerful suggestions that have impact
- Quickly discover what is really important to people in a given situation
- Increase your impact with people who hate to be told what to do
- Solve conflicts between those who prefer to create alternatives and those who just want to finish what they have started as quickly as possible
- Identify the language needed to help people be less resistant to change
Learn how to use Questions to Uncover the Motivation Triggers™

- Diagnose Motivation Triggers™
from the language people use - Understand the Triggers holding clients in a “Stuck State” and what needs to be done to help them get into motion
- How to know when your client is “done”.
Use Influencing Language to Maximize your Impact

This program is based on the LAB Profile® (Language and Behavior Profile),
a psycho-linguistic tool to help you understand
what motivates people and how to reach them.
Practical applications for living and working with real people.
- Discover the “Words that Change Minds”
- Communicate effectively with people from diverse cultures
- Learn how to pry open some mental space in even the most closed of minds
- Be more persuasive
- Prevent, avoid and solve communication problems easier
- Motivate yourself, even when it’s difficult
- Find ways to be more effective in every aspect of communication
- You will know how to apply the LAB Profile® at home, in your business and with colleagues to have better communication, fewer conflicts, and inspiring relationships
Here’s what Steve Andreas, NLP Developer and Trainer said about Shelle’s online Program:

Steve Andreas, NLP Developer and Trainer
“Shelle, I can’t tell you how pleased and impressed I am after watching you teach in this program. I don’t know if you realize how critical I can be– and you gave me no opportunity to demonstrate that skill! I have respected your work for years, but I was unprepared for the richness of the program–especially the organization, sequencing, and nonverbal delivery. This program ought to be mandatory in any program including training/presentation skills!”
Advanced Sales Strategies
Live Online or In-Person, with Shelle
Your salespeople need to learn on the go!
If you have seasoned salespeople
who you want to inspire with NEW skills,
this may just be what you are looking for!
Introduction to LAB Profile®
Shelle combines high-impact live sessions with easy and fun digital learning.
New Micro Learning Format
Sales Teams learn
critical skills and techniques
in short bites
they apply right away.
Bad News Formula
Combined with short live sessions with Shelle
Take your team to a whole new level.
Every program is customized for you.
These programs are based on the LAB Profile® (Language and Behavior Profile),
a psycho-linguistic tool to help you understand
what motivates people
and how to reach them.
Increase your impact and sell more.
In this program you’ll find out:
- The top 5 sales questions
- How to decode the answers to discover what your customer really wants
- Which language to use or avoid with each customer
- How to make powerful suggestions that get accepted
- What to say & do when you can’t do what your customer wants
- What your prospects questions really mean and how to answer them
“Your knowledge about customer cues and ability to
translate that for each audience is absolutely invaluable.”
Eleanor Reynolds-Barrett Director, Client Strategies, RBC Insurance
- How to identify your customer’s main Motivation Triggers™
- The Bad News Formula™
- Know exactly HOW to present your solution for each customer
- Identify the moment your prospect DECIDES to buy, before they do
- How to help your customer make a decision, even if they don’t need you
- Master the skills to uncover the hidden motivations that make or break the sale
Words That Change Customer’s Minds
Live Online or In-Person, with Shelle
someone who has not yet
found an alternative.”
(unknown source)
Everything you do
affects the emotional state of your customer.
Everything you do
determines what your customer believes
about your whole organization.
Your customers don’t want to be told what to do
and giving them more information only goes so far.

Seth Godin, author Tribes
“The shift in power to the customer is now a certainty,
yet only a few companies know what to do about it.
Shelle lays out precisely what is going on and how to think about it.”
How you respond to your customer,
your facial expression, what you do, what you say, what you write…
can make your customer feel happy or sad,
relieved, or disappointed,
How you respond to your customer,
can make your organization look helpful and friendly,
incompetent, or expert.
You have an awful lot of power, but …
The problem is
most people never consciously learned
a strategy for using that power;
for influencing and persuasion.
In this program you’ll find out:
- The Motivation Triggers™ of your clients
- Key questions to ask to uncover these Triggers
- Influencing Language to use or avoid
- The Unconscious buying signals, and
- Signals your customer is unhappy even before they know!

- Discover the 2 Power Principles that guide every encounter
- Decode how your customers, clients and patients
actually get motivated think and make decisions - Ensure you attract and treat them the way they want to be treated
- Use the Customer Tone Chart© to read and impact your customers’ emotions
- Learn how to end every transaction to create positive associations and desire to return
- Make powerful suggestions that get accepted
- Solve the Upset Customer issues so they don’t ever want to leave you
- Design communications based on the hidden Motivation Triggers to attract more customers
- Discover easy ways to customize your processes to meet each person’s below-conscious needs
“As the seminar proceeded, the skeptics were very quickly surprised. She held all of our interests. The training content, which was new to most attendees, was expertly tailored to meet the unique needs of Ranger Design and of each of the participants.
Shelle developed a comfort level that encouraged everyone to participate openly and there was a great exchange and exploration of ideas. The whole experience took on a life of its own with Shelle’s ability to lead and facilitate discussions.”
Catalin Caracas, HR Executive, Ranger Design, Montréal
Shelle customizes this program to your needs.
This program is based on the LAB Profile®
(Language and Behavior Profile),
a psycho-linguistic tool to help you understand
what motivates people
and how to reach them.
Practical applications for living and
working with real people.