Traditional male and traditional female models and behaviors.  


Understanding the concepts of traditional masculinity and femininity can provide valuable insights into comprehending others who may appear perplexing or behaving differently.

This video delves into recognizing our personal habits across different work settings and contexts, enabling us to identify these habits, assess what to retain, and what to modify. It’s important to remember that these are merely habits, not unalterable fates. By altering our mindset even slightly, we can reshape our habits. This video aims to help you identify your current position.

Imagine you’re engrossed in a work project – a report, proposal, or project for your team or client.

Do you meticulously work on it, pouring over details and repeatedly reviewing it to achieve perfection? Or do you draft a preliminary version, make a few adjustments, and consider who needs to witness your competence and effort?

 If you lean towards prioritizing visibility, you’re embracing the male model, aiming to impress with concise, strategic content. Alternatively, you might sometimes find yourself caught in the perfectionist loop, associated with the female model. For instance, you could end up investing excessive time in crafting a proposal, even when you sense it won’t be accepted, mirroring a situation where you’re trapped in the cycle of perfectionism. These models extend beyond individual tasks. Reflect on how you envision your career. 

Examine yourself. You’ll start to get a sense of which model applies more to you, male or female model. Do so with respect and objectivity.

Is it a fervent pursuit driven by passion, where your contributions matter profoundly? Or do you view your career as a sequence of upward steps, aiming for promotions, financial gains, or business expansion? 

The former echoes the female model approach, marked by emotional investment, while the latter aligns with the male strategy of progression and accomplishment.

Consider your workplace demeanor.

Do you strive for popularity, seeking to be liked by colleagues? Or is your priority to command respect, regardless of whether you’re well-liked?

Those leaning toward the female model prioritize cultivating genuine, positive connections, whereas the male model may prioritize respect over personal likability.

Furthermore, ponder on whether your work is viewed as a game, necessitating strategy, and adaptation, or if it holds substantial personal significance. A willingness to take risks, such as investing in your business or voicing opinions during meetings, can shed light on your orientation. Responding positively to risk might reflect a male model, while a more cautious approach aligns with the female perspective.

By scrutinizing these patterns, we can enhance our self-awareness and interaction with others. Recognizing whether we tend towards the male or female model can provide essential insights into our preferences and behaviors. Share your insights in the comments below.

Which model do you find yourself leaning towards more frequently?

Is it a female model or a male model?

Do you have a particular example that resonates strongly with one of these models?

In the next video, we’ll explore how to leverage this newfound awareness.


Interested in learning more about the male and female models?  

I have developed a free training called the 10 Hidden Differences Between Men and Women and I’d love to have you join us.   

And if this way of thinking intrigues you – visit

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